Wednesday 21 October 2009

Style of photography

Now that i have decided on my subject i think it is now time to decide what photographic style i was wanting my work to are the choices of styles we were given:
*Photo journalism
*Social Documentary
*or a social wedding.
Over the past few weeks we have been given our project Ive been seriously thinking about what style i was wanting to achieve.
I have finally decided that i want to go along the style of reportage(all though i know the meaning of it i will still include a definition of it to show understand). I thought this to be a good idea because within the theater you always see what is on face value and never behind the scenes. I also thought a reportage style would be best with the actors having limited time to get ready for their performances so a reportage"fly on the wall approach would be best". I have also been doing lots of research on reportage photographers his information will be included after the definition.

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